Mini Rey Mysterio Jr. + Mini Psychosis v. Mini Halloween + Enfermerito: This match was really weird to watch Mini Rey Jr. wrestle, as he was exactly the same proportion as the regular Rey Jr. when compared to the other midgets, so it looked like a regular Rey match. Mini Rey still had his mask, although he was wearing some Rey-Reyish camo pants. Pretty good midget match, with Mini Rey hitting a nice Asai moonsault and min-Psicosis popped a sweet tope. Mini Halloween kind of disgraced the mask by not dying, and Enfermerito wasn't much. Mini Psic turns on mini-Rey and the ruditos get the win.
Arandu / Mr. Tempest/ X-Man v. Genghis Kahn / Pandilleros 1+2: This was a fun little undercard-lucha-match by the numbers. Arandu is sort a generic masked semi-highflying technico, Mr. Tempest is an unmasked Tony Rivera/Hector Garzish luchadore who probably was the rulingist guy in the match, and X-Man was a scrawny high flyer in a cheap looking Wolverine costume. Genghis Khan is fat-rudo in a mask #546, and the Pandilleros are long time Tijuana undercard brawlers who are quite adept at what they do. This match had the prerequisite Lucha comedy, i.e. rudos hitting their partner, multiple goofy rollups etc., but all the moves were performed quite adequately and was enjoying myself until all heck breaks loose. They start the big higspot train with Arandu doing a run up the ropes plancha- ‘neat' I think, then Mr. Tempest hits a huge plancha to the floor- ‘rockin' I say ‘this Mr. Tempest is a good little worker', then X-Man goes for a tope ....and the fat Pandillero walks away... and lil X-Man flies through the ropes and lands on his face on the floor with a sickening thud ... ‘HOLY FUCK' I exclaim as I wear out the rewind button watching the carnage. Fun match, with the bump at the end being the blood stained cherry on top.
El Satanico / Scorpio Jr. v. Tony Rivera / Tineblas Jr.: Santanico and Rivera are good, Tineblas and Scorpio stink. Rivera and Satanico mail it in, Phil FAST FORWARDS....
Fuerza Guerrerra
/ Juventud Guerrerra / Dr. Wagner Jr. v. Rey Mysterio Jr. / Negro Casas
/ Emilo Charles Jr.: With all the talent involved in this match,
it should have be a show stealer, but I was kind of disappointed.
The majority of the match was a listless lucha brawl, which is as bad as
lucha gets. You have some wordclass mat wrestlers in there, and we hardly
saw a mat segment at all. Honestly this match wasn't as good as your average
WCW Saturday Night Lucha match. There was some decent work by Juvi and
Rey, but the rest of the workers sort of mailed it in. Dr. Wagner Jr. was
deeply into crappy 1995 EMLL Dr. Wagner
Jr. mode as opposed to 1998 New
Japan Dr. Wagner Jr. mode. The match got a lot of heat, but really wasn't
much to write home about.
Psicosis v. Rey Mysterio
(Sr)- Mascara contra Cabellera: There are few things more transcendental
then watching Psicosis in Tijuana. While wrestling in the U.S. or in other
parts of Mexico, he seems to have at least a glancing attachment to his
body. In Tijuana, that attachment ends, he doesn't give a fuck. This match
wasn't all that great, but it was our boy Psicosis attempting to die, die,
die. He starts the death with an insane tope onto Rey Mysterio as Rey was
walking down the aisle, he tosses Rey in the ring, hits a rolling guillotine
with a chair and gets the pin. In the second fall Psicosis attempts
a dozen different ways to give himself a concussion. Those include the
Raven drop toe hold on the chair, the tree of woe chair dropkick to the
face, and Rey Sr. giving him a powerbomb through two chairs. In the
third fall Psicosis says "I am not letting fucking X-Man out bump me on
the show where I am losing my mask) and takes the craziest ringpost bump
ever, he flyes through the corner, only stopping his momentum enough to
toast his arm, and goes flying on to the concrete floor. It was breathtaking
in it's total disregard for personally safety. The third fall is all bookerific,
with Juventud (who was Psic's second) turning on him, and a Rey Jr. run-in,
all before Rey Sr., with help from Juvi, gives Psicosis a German Suplex
to take his mask. The rudos (Rey Sr., Juvi, Halloween and Damien) pose
with the mask as the crowd rains garbage on them. This match was fun, although
Psicosis basically had to wrestle around Rey Sr. who did nothing.
Misterio The Elder is not really an opponent but more like a spotter in
this. I would have like to see him drop it in a classic, to Rey Jr. or
Juventud, but this match definitly had the death quotient that, you need
in Tijuana Psicosis matches.
$%$%$%$%$%$%$ Giant Baba’s 30th Anniversary Show - 9/30/90 (PHIL RIPPA!): I got this tape from Robert for the single reason because it had Joe Malenko - The World’s Plainest Wrestler. Of course, when you have Kawada/ Misawa vs. Jumbo/Taue that is going to cement the deal. The tape doesn’t have the entire card. That means I don’t get to see Rex King and Steve Doll wrestling in All Japan. It also means that I don’t have to see Mighty Inoue or Rusher Kimura. I really made out well.
The British Bulldogs vs. Joe & Dean Malenko: This is British Bulldogs Version 2.0 as it is Dynamite Kid and Johnny Smith. Dynamite looks just like Sid Vicious. That would be Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols in his final days. To really know what Joe looks like, look at Dean Malenko now. Dean has developed the gut that Joe had 10 years ago. If you want mat wrestling this is the match for you. There is no real story and there is a lack of transitions and what not. It is pretty much Guy A manages takedown. Guy B escapes. Back to the vertical base. Let Guy C and D try something. It all rules. Joe Malenko does about a zillion different leg takedowns all from impossible angles. Dean does the coolest escape from a head scissors as he figures out how to twist his body and go straight into a camel clutch. Johnny Smith carries the load for his team but Dynamite can still hang with the fellows. He stands on the ring apron looking like he is about to die, then he gets tagged in and he is bouncing around dishing out chops and snap suplexes. Dean bounces around the ring like a Superball compared to Joe. He busts out the leg lariat and a high knee and you can see Joe shaking his head thinking, “Come on. Keep it on the mat. What would dad say?” The flashiest thing that Joe does is a Northern Lights Suplex. Dynamite Kid gets busted open as a pre-existing cut get reopened on a bump to the floor. Right after that the finish comes as Dean goes for a tombstone on Dynamite but Smith dropkicks him down and the Bulldogs get the win. Ending came out of nowhere and I wonder if they maybe BROUGHT IT HOME early because of the Kid’s bleeding. Oh well, the match rules and kids everywhere should find as much Joe Malenko matches as they can.
Kimala #2/Danny Spivey vs. Johnny Ace/Kenta Kobashi: This was, umm….. very business exposing. That of course was all due to Kimala #2 and Spivey. Spivey was doing a horrible job of calling spots as I am sure people in Taiwan could hear him. Meanwhile, #2 spent about 8 minutes doing the Cheek Massage of Doom. Ace plays the Dynamic Dude in trouble and nothing goes right. Finally, the hot tag is made. In the confusion, Ace hits an Ace Crusher on #2 that takes the Business Exposing cake as #2 starts rotating before Ace even starts to fall to the canvas. So basically, #2 freefalls to the mat and is so stunned by the forces of gravity that Ace gets the pin. Just to make sure you see how bad the Ace Crusher was we get a replay of it. IN SLOW MO! This was not good.
Misawa/Kawada vs. Tsuruta/Taue: Now this was all sorts of good. Jumbo is all fired up and wants a piece of Misawa so bad that he shoves Taue out of the way so he can start the match. The usually stiffness follows as Misawa and Kawada decide that the first body part they are going to work on is Jumbo’s cheek bone. Jumbo, being the man that he is, takes about 48 forearm shivers right in the face. Jumbo chops his way back into control and takes in Taue. This is where the match takes an usually turn. Taue has a bandage on his forehead that basically screams KICK ME HERE. Kawada does. A lot. The camera is about 6 inches away from the action so you can see that Kawada is not pulling anything. This leads to Taue pumping blood all over the place. Hey, who needs the blade when you have Kawada to do the damage for you. So as the carnage continues, the crowd gets solidly behind Taue. Which in turn leads to Kawada and Misawa working as the subtle heels, which is really weird. The beat down last for awhile too. Finally, Taue makes the tag to Jumbo who becomes the very definition of Hot Tag. Various chops and knees swing the momentum of the match. You expect the end to come and they tease it as everyone manages to get dropped right on their noggin at various points but no one will stay down. Kawada, the King of Stoicism, shows a brief flash of frustration as he can’t get the pin on the weakened Taue. Misawa can’t get the victory even after hitting the Tiger Driver on Taue because Jumbo saw it coming and was ready to make the save before Misawa even completed the move. Finally the bell rings and I realized that we have gone BROADWAY!!!! I think the match was 30 minutes. Of the Supercard website, they say the match was 45. I don’t remember but it was long and it went BROADWAY!!!!! Despite the finish, the match kick a lot of ass, especially Taue taking a king-sized whopping.
Giant Baba/Abdullah
the Butcher vs. Andre the Giant/Stan Hansen: This was so painful
to watch. The only thing I enjoyed was the prematch Abby interview. In
all my tape watching, I had yet to hear Abby the Rib Joint owner from Atlanta
speak. He talks about how he doesn’t know if he and Baba can get along
since the have had a lot of matches against each other. Hey it’s foreshadowing.
The match ain’t good. Andre is pretty much beyond the twilight of his years
and we know Baba ain’t doing anything. Hansen and Abby carry the load for
a little while. Abby jabs his ever-present object into his opponent’s throats.
Baba gets upset. Baba and Abby fight. Baba kicks Abby. Abby gets pinned.
Hey, Baba lost at his own Anniversary show. To bad this match wasn’t clipped
like Inoki’s match at HIS Inoki-fest.
Mexico- (REV RAY DUFFY!)
Hey, this was the first thing
on the tape and I don't remember watching it
or being reveiwed, so what the
The show opens with interviews
with Super Muneco (technico) and America
(rudo) about an upcoming match.
Zonick/Saito (t)
v. Rey Cuervo/Neon (r) : Saito is wearing his mentor's
old outfit when he wrestled without
a hood. Neon wears a truly horrific
greeen and purple and paisley
and red type outfit. Zonick and Neon pair off
early with Zonick knocking him
out to the floor twice and teasing a dive
ending with him possing.
SAITO does the the run up the ropes backflip kick
during the match, which is something
I really don't remember him using
before. Neon gets
the first fall by hitting an enzugiri to the lower back
of Zonick and slapping an inverted
indian death lock on him and then did a
few DX chops until Zonick submitted.
In the beginning of the second fall,
Zonick goes for what I guess is
a stunner, but it gets totally blown. The
last fall ends with Zonick putting
Neon's head between his legs and pulling
up on his arms in the corner,
Rey tries to charge, but Saito hits him with a
springboard body press, Rey charges
again and gets backdropped where he's
supposed to land sitting on Neon's
back, but he misses and has to jump up
there and then Saito puts him
in a surfboard type move with Rey's legs on
Neon's back for the win.
Not one for the permanant tape.
(r) v. Kanda/Fantasy (t) : One next thing about the show
is the graphics tell you what
their gear is and if their technicos or rudos.
Kanda and Mochizuki open up with
some mat work and tag out. Mercurio
doesn't want to tie up with Fantasy
at the start. It should also be noted
that one of the referee's has
an outfit that looks like a suit with a vest
with gold lame on the back.
Fantasy's outfit is purple with a silver stars
on it. His mask is sort
of cool. First fall comes when Kanda catches
Mochizuki's legs in the corner
and powerbombs him. Fantasy follows it by
turning a Mercurio body scissors
roll up attempt into a full nelson for the
first caidia. Kanda and
Mochizuki open up the second caida. Kanda hits a
great looking powerslam off the
ropes. Kanda gets trapped in the ring and
the rudos work on his shoulder.
They pin Kanda following a Mochizuki top
rope knee to the shoulder and
Mercurio pins Fantasy with a powerbomb. Rudos
control the openning of the final
caida, but the technicos fight back.
Mochizuki gets posted by Fantasy
on the floor. They set up something with
Kanda going for his top rope elbow,
but he slips off when he tries to leap
off. The set up some sterio
spots with the technicos hitting some stuff
until they miss sterio asai moonsaults.
Mercurio gets Fantasy to tap to the
camel clutch and Mochizuki gets
the pin on Kanda with the NLS. Kanda showed
some flashes of goodness in this.
This wasn't totally horrible.
Ultimo Vampiro/Slayer/Multifacetico
(t) Geo/Neo/Principe Maya (r) : Maya
(who's outfit sort of is like
the Azteca Dr. Wagner entrance gear) and
Vampiro (who sort of looks like
a black and silver version of Arkangel de la
Muerte) start out with Vampiro
getting the upperhand. Neo and Geo I guess
are partners as their outfits
look sort of the same, but the one in pink
looks like he never met a burrito
he didn't like... and pink ain't a slimming
color. They do a spot where Slayer keeps getting full nelsoned by
someone and their partner keeps chopping
their own guy. This happens about 5
times in a row, Maya puts the full nelson on Slayer, Neo and Geo let him
out of the hold and start hitting
their partner. the fall ends with Vampiro doing
a vault flip off of Slayer into a rana on Geo, Neo submits to a Slayer
double chickenwing hold and Multifacetio
hits a springboard body press to take
out Maya. Second caida opens with Slayer taking Maya out to the floor,
Maya walks around to the other side
of the ring to avoid him, so Slayer slides
out to the floor, runs around the other side and meets him with a
drop kick. The Rudos take over
in the floor. Geo does a spot where he catches
Multifacetico and gives him the Vader Face Eraser onto Neo's feet as
Neo lays on the mat. Rudos get
the fall on Vampiro following some triple
teaming and a Maya springboard
into a somersault senton. Rudos continue the
beating in the third caido as
they grab Multi by his arms, legs and head and
group slam him a few times.
Vampiro fights out of some triple teaming athe
ruos fight back. We get
the dive train going as Vampiro hits a tope con
hilo and hits the railing and
a woman in the front row with his legs. And
just then... the tape runs out...
Of note from the match, Ultimo Vampiro
looked pretty good and Neo and
Geo had some neat double teams and their
outfits were sort of cool.
Tarzan Goto / Freddy Krueger VS.
Shoji Nakamaki / Thunder (Bardbedwire Board
Shinobu Kandori / Junkyo Yagi VS.
Eagle Sawai / Sayori Okino
Tenyru / Kendo Nagasaki / Masaki
Mochizuki VS. Yoshiaki Fujiwara / Takashi Okamura
/ Nobutaku Araya
Chiharu Nakano VS. Miyuki Fujii
Ryuji Yamakawa / Kamikaze VS.
Masayoshi Motegi / Shunme Matsuzaki
Fantastik VS. Winger (Big Japan
Jr. Heavyweight Title Match)
Abdullah the Butcher VS. Mens
Shadow WX / Tomoai Honma VS. Daikokubo
/ Abby Jr. Kobayahi (Big Japan Tag Team
Title Match)
%^%^%^%^%^% SINGLESGOINGSTEADY!%^%^%^%^%^%^%
Michael Modest +
Robert Thompson v. Kuame Kamoze & Jay Smooth - APW 1/17/98- (PHIL SCHNEIDER):
This is the first in a series of APW reports for SGS, where I (and
possibly Dean and the Ripper) will TACKLE THE IDOL TAPE. This match was
an Oakland streetfight (which isn't really accurate because it didn't involve
9mm pistols) between Modest and Thompson (who are the two biggest stars
in APW) and the West Side Playaz (a kind of Gangstas rip off, although
both guys
would be New Jack.) This was more
of an old school streetfight, as it wasn't just four guys hitting each
other with Nintendo's and vibrators. There was some chair usage, and a
big sequence where Thompson and Smooth, suplexed each other on a refrigerator,
but it was mostly just a old school Memphis brawl. Most modern brawls like
this use big dives and table spots as their highspots, but this match replaced
those spots with suplexes, which worked well, as Modest is quite the suplex
machine and Thompson isn't bad either. The WSP didn't impress me much,
although if pressed, I would have to say that Kamoze is the better of the
two (he had some nice chops, and seemed to take the suplexes more on his
head.) Modest looked great as usual, dumping people on their heads, doing
his second turnbuckle neck bump (which he stole from Ray Stevens and really
rocks) although he seemed a little out of place in a brawl like this, I
have always been down on Thompson, but he impressed me in this match, played
the face in peril well, used a whole bunch of fly suplexes and hit a neat
stunner on a chair (which Idol dickishly called an
Ace Crusher). Pretty fun match,
although you would be better off with a
Modest wrestling match.
NWA World Tag Team
Title Tournament : Barry Windham/Dustin Rhodes v. Hiroshi Hase/Shinya
Hashimoto : (REV RAY! DUFFY!) You know, Hashimoto just isn't
nearly as cool without his Elvis sideburns. Laugh as Jesse Ventura
and Jim Ross suggest that Hashimoto could be a good pulling guard.
Hash and Hase control early. The focus on the arms seem to be the
order for both teams early.
Hashimoto slaps on a triangle
scissors lock and dumbs it down a little before slapping on the armbar
on Windham. At one point, Hashimoto challenges Rhodes to fight and
gets dropped with jabs and the bionic elbow. Hashimoto answers with a jab
to the throat and follows it up with his spinning heel kick and looks like
it gets all eye socket on Rhodes. They follow it up with a spiked
piledriver. Rhodes tries to fight back with elbows, but Hase drops
him with a chop. Windham comes in to break up a double team, but
the NJPW team continues to control. Hase hits an overhead belly to
belly, but takes too long going for a double knee from the top and allows
Rhodes to make the hot tag to Windham. Windham works both men down
with punches. He slaps the
abdominal stretch on Hase and works on his ribs.
Hashimoto comes in for the save,
but Windham decks him. They get a 4 man brawl. Hase gets whipped
to the ropes by Rhodes who leap frogs him and runs right into a Windham
flying lariat and Windham gets the pin. It was kind of short, but
still a pretty cool match. Considering it was the second match each
team had that night and Windham/Rhodes were going to follow it up with
Doc and Gordy.
WCW- Barry Windham/ Dustin Rhodes vs. Steve Austin & Larry Zybsko- 2/29/92:
Barry Windham vs.
Dick Murdoch - WWF Early 80’s: This was on the same tape that had
that Murdoch/Adonis vs. Briscos match that Dean did a couple a weeks ago.
Dean, the complete and utter moron that he is, didn’t keep watching the
tape and a few matches later was this gem. Murdoch is still in full force
and Windham was young and great. This match is boss because it is Murdoch
gets up in Windham’s face and tells him, “Listen boy, I’m still the toughest
SOB in the land.” Windham responds, “Mr. Murdoch, sir, you’re my favorite
wrestler. I’m idolized you when I was growing up. My dad stunk. I want
to be like you.” Then you get to watch as Windham becomes Dick Murdochcito.
Every stiff elbow, Windham matches. Every goofy facial expression, Windham
matches. Windham also takes it into the next generation by bumping like
a fiend as Murdoch waffles him. The highlight is when, Windham sells a
punch by toppling backwards over the ropes. He lands headfirst on the ring
apron and just stays there for a moment. I was like, “that’s gonna leave
a mark”. Murdoch is choice in this match too. He sells an abdominal stretch
like he was dying. He spits all over himself selling a post shot. He also
gets all dickish and pummels Windham with a crutch that he stole from a
guy at ringside. Windham wins a he rolls through on a Murdoch slam. Murdoch
is suitable pissed, grabs the microphone (which is conveniently still on)
and jabs it into Windham’s head. The resounding thump is worth watching
this match alone.
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