I jumped in my brownish, goldish, greenish Mazda Protege and headed to
the Wild West End to view wrestling, crack some jokes, look at cool
wrestling mags and wrestling related documents ("That titles history!
WHIP ASS!"), and get the AntiChristo Interview back.:) Rejoice Brothers
and Sisters! "The Number One... And The Best!" will kick off nCo Lucha
tape #2! YESSS! I arrive at Tim's SWANK Bachelor Townhouse and plop
down punishingly on his poor beanbag chair. I peruse the new Jeff Lynch
tapelist and try to sway the purchasing decisions that Tim will make by
subliminally making directive comments ("HEY! Mr Nieblas vs Black
Warrior in Japan! I bet THAT'S neat!" "II would get that WAR tape
because that Six-man with Ultimo and Juventud MORE than makes up for
that [[I SWEAR I'M NOT KIDDING!]] John Tenta vs New Arashi match!
RIGHT?!?!") I start looking at his latest issue of the Lariat when the
viewing begins. Tim loads up his- WHAT?- nine VCR's and we dig the
innate coolness that is a Glenn tape. The first thing on it
-This baby started off with a Vampiro/La Pantera vs Somebody (Tim knew
his name. My guess was Battle Ranger or Dragon Winger's little
brother:))/Perro Russo. We discuss the merits of Vampiro. I say he's a
very average luchadore and he doesn't bother me like he bothers some
people. Tim says he hasn't seen enough of him to tell. I tell Tim that
I watched this match enough to tell that Pantera wasn't going to be
doing anything spectacular, so we fast forwarded to the Shiryu/Shinzaki
debacle. GOD! With that on Sunday and the Lizmark Jr thing on Monday,
no wonder I've been biggest crybaby on the internet.:) GOD! I need a
hug! JDW? HERB? EVAN?:) Shinzaki stinks up the joint and Shiryu tries
in vain to carry his sorry ass. You don't want to see it, but it's too
late for me- I've been hardened by the Shinzaki Lie. The main event-
make that the MAIN EVENT- is another installment of a slight variation
of the Kick Ass ten man match, this time with
Next up was the Tokyo Dome stuff from week before lasts reveiw, so we
watched the Liger/Sasuke match again and dug it. We made lots of jokes
about Liger's Odd Redneck tendencies, especially the fabulously
beautiful Belt Ladies that accompany him to the ring. Me and Tim
alternate doing Tommy Rich impersonations as Liger talks about his
ladies("Miss British Commonwealth Welterweight Belt is the one thats
gonna feel mah lovin ta-naht! Suh-sah-kah is gonna love on Miss WWF
Junior Heavyweight belt! GET^ FIRED UP!" For a full-transcript of the
Liger as a Full Blooded Redneck running gag and the even more immature
Miss British Commonwealth Welterweight Belt jokes, send me four dollars
in stamp or coin.:) "Mah Deddah was in the Yah-Koo-Zuh so I gotta wear
this heah mask! GET FIRED UP!"). We fast forwarded through Ogawa deal
to get to...
J'd TV SPECIAL- 4/?/97
I had watched this already and was telling Tim that there was a good
non-Chaquita Azteca Ester Moreno tag match on this with Jaguar Yokota,
Cooga- who isn't... very... good... BUT A GREAT MASK!:), and La
Infernal- the lady with the most gargantuan (we delicately stated)
center of gravity... Hell! She wore the high cut pants! She's gotta
really huge butt! There! I said it! I think I missed all the good
parts laughing too hard at the gargantuan hinder jokes. I dunno. You'd
think Jaguar or Bison would take her aside and say, "Hey Doll, you
really should wear something more shearing than that get-up. Here are
some black sweatpants." Moreno hit some neat highspots that she tends
to miss these days and basically held Cooga's hand the whole time Cooga
was attempting any offense. Wotta PRO! There were a lot of near falls
and Tim was actually really impressed by Jaguar's willingness to take
some pretty hellish bumps during brawling phase of the match, but
overall it was really good by J'd standards but not really distinguished
by other standards. I guess I can't complain- a step above competence
is a good sign from J'd at this juncture, but Cooga is too old to THAT
green. The match before that was the IWA chick that can't wrestle a
lick but I shared with Tim my bizarre feelings of attraction to her.
She's so trailer-parky and pale and stuff. Oooooo:)) You can live your
life without seeing this tape unless you are a Kudo completist. Kudo vs
Bison Kimera is very just there. Bison is a million years old so it's
not like they mailed it in or anything, it's just so much the
soon-to-be-sorely-missed Megumi could do past throwing in a whole bunch
of nearfalls to make up for Bison's inability to actually wrestle a
whole wrestling match these days.
We then fast-forwarded through the punishing fist of hell that was the
Hansen/Ace travesty. Hey Stan! It's time to join Jumbo and Baba in the
undercard. You've earned it. We get past Taue/Allbright to get
OOOOOH This was fun! We watch the Rina Iishi/Maiko Matsumodo vs Sugar
Sato/Nagashima match and it was very Nitro-esque in that it was 1:36 and
it was very NOT Nitro-esque in that while Sugar and Nagashima are
stomping on Rina's pretty lil head and standing on the ropes, they are
also flipping off the GAEA audience. I freaked! Tim freaked! We FELL
OUT! Nagashima pins Rina with a nifty looking surprise rollup and
thus! THE BITCHINESS BEGAN!!! Matsumodo loses it- yelling for revenge
and bursting into tears and Sugar- ever the slacker vixen- shrugs it off
and assumes the roll of nineteen year old ice princess- smirking like a
GODDESS!!!!!!! There was a Chigusa squash- where she beats the hell out
of Hakari Kato and Hirota (the HOT one:)) Nagashima smacks Hirota in
the head for getting her ass kicked and they drag them to the back to
lick their wounds. Chigusa kept the same face as when she was
originally betrayed by these two. It was kinda counterproductive I
guess. I dunno- it establishes a reason for Kato and Hirota to hate
Chigusa more (they did the same thing with Sato and Nagashima when they
turned.) GAEA is getting as weird as it is getting good.
The big match Ruled It Very Hard! Akira Hokuto and Sonoko Kato face
KAORU and Meiko Satomura and all I can say is: Let's get these
youngsters hating each other already! This was choice! KAORU supplied
the paralyzing backdrop drivers this go round, with the queen of
grumpiness- Akira- taiing the worst looking one. The Excalibur by KAORU
was deeply into the realm of painfullness, as young Meiko meets the mat
at a high rate of velocity. Kato and Meiko were a little sloppy in the
ring at times but covered up for it well by automatically hitting
submission holds to cover blown spots and the ending was Super 93 AJW-
in that it wouldn't ever end and kept building and building until final
finisher is hit. Tim noticed that it fell into the AJW trap of having
ten finishers that shouldn't have been kicked out of, kicked out of
(especially the truly horrific Excalibur by KAORU which looked
stretcherable). I tended to agree but we also both agreed that it was a
beautiful, yet barbaric match. It ends with KAORU and Hokuto slapping
the hell out of each other. GET ALL THIS!
Next on the tape was....
This was the best! It had the highly butchered and truncated Ohtani/El
Samurai match. El Samurai has the new mask that just KICKS! You'd
really have to see it to believe it. Ohtani hits a couple of cool
springboard dropkicks and leg lariats and stuff and El hits the- YES, I
believe it was a Michinoku Driver I! The front chancellory suplex into a
face-buster! COOL! The whole time the match is going on Dick Togo and
the boys are hanging around ringside being a menace with their newest
best buddy Koji Fuckin Kanemoto. After El finally kicks Ohtani's surly
punk ass he issues a challenge to Dick Togo and the boys to GET FIRED
AND GET IT ON! RIGHT NOW! (sorry:)) Togo being the good heel tells him
to go f*ck himself and they swarm around their new fallen comrade,
Shinjiro Ohtani. The best part of this is when they first are all
around him and Shinjiro starts to take a poke at one of them, Kanemoto
says something like, "Hey! Chill out! These guys are dicks like us!"
and they all shake hands and kick puppies and stuff.
THEN! They show highlights of the beautiful finish to the Liger/Sasuke
match and the post match press-conference. ATTENTION ALL AMERICAN
press-conference as it becomes an SMW-esque total melee as KDX crashes
the party. LIGER IS FU*KING GREAT in this, being as pissed as humanly
possible -kicking over the table, hurling chairs and beating on punks
while being restrained. Koji and Togo are the fabulous key
instigators. Dynamic and Intense! This feud is gonna RULE to the MAX!
I tell Tim of the surprisingly watchable Nakanishi/Tensan match but he
doesn't want to chance it. We proceed to....
This was the first two matches of the three match final. The best match
and one of my faves so far this year is the Misawa/Kobashi match. These
cats try to kill each other and its great! Kobashi throws the Man on
his head about a half dozen times and they suplex and fight out of
suplexes and kick out of finishers and each do a move neither of us have
seen them do before. Misawa's was a standing roling guillotine into an
enziguiri and it looked fantabulous. I can't remember what Kobashi's
was but it will hit the minute I send this off. This match was a
compressed version of all those other AJ matches I was thinking. There
was less time between bone-crushing moves and a real sense of urgency
was conveyed by Kobashi as he actually wrestled like a stud almost the
whole match. Misawa is
The second match was six minutes long and would kill a mere mortal.
Kawada works about as stiff as anyone has ever worked- NAILING Misawa
with Garo Yepremiam level kicks directly to the face. Kawada basically
mauls Misawa, stretchs the hell out of him with a super Stretch Plum,
kicks the holy hell out of him, pins him and, of course, has the
expression of a man who has just been informed that his flight has been
BattlARTS, Hopefully another another GLENN!!tape and hopefully more from
the amazing Lorefice (read the Kudo retrospective in the latest
Quebrada, it'll change the way you look at her AND FMW)!
DVDVRs #36 - 40
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