Welcome back to all which is right and good,
DVDR FOGHAT is back like Mrs. Stein's herpes (1). We are
doing footnotes this week to honor
the publication of the new David Foster Wallace book "Brief Interviews
with Hideous Men"(2) (3).This is a Lucha
flavored issue as the Burr under the Saddle Phil Rippa comments
on some early Organization of Modern Extreme
Grappling Arts (4) and early Michinoku Pro (5), "The Man
who would be Rev. Rey's Daddy but Dutch Mantel
beat him up the steps" Phil Schneider analyzes some new Jack Michinoku
Pro(6) and Los Reyes de Reyes(7) and the end all be all Mike Naimark discusses
some Brazilian fightin (7) Plus we say goodbye to Owen Hart
by looking at a handful of his greatest matches.
OMEGA (Handheld) - Samford, NC 11/8/97
In honor of the Hardy Boyz new found push, I decided to go back a review one of the earliest OMEGA shows (1). Cham Pain starts the show with a interview that basically serves the purpose of putting the Hardy's and their friends on notice. Cham Pain is coming to get them.
Ice vs. ???
I'm not sure who Ice's opponent is.
It is some guy I have never seen before and the audio is really horrible
at this point so I can't pick up on what Scott Sullivan is
saying his name is. I think it is something like Mr. Puerto
Rico but it could be Joey Buttafucco for all I know. Anyway, someone thought
it would be a really great idea to stick two of the greenest guys around
in the ring together. Unlike Ice though, Mr. Puerto Rico does nothing.
Early Ice is truly a spot machine but when you do a Super Quebrada,
a spilt-leg moonsault, a TommyKazie (2) and a corkscrew plancha I
will have no complaints. Ice gets the victory and then both guys
get attacked by Jeff Hardy alter-ego number 1 - Willow The Wisp.
Willow says he recognizes talent and wants Ice to follow him. Ice
refuses and DOESN'T get beaten up in the process. So much for that
The Devastator w/ The Duke Of NY vs. Venom
This is the Duke of New York's (3) debut in OMEGA so he has to spend five minutes establishing himself as a heel. The Devastator is a big pasty white guy who stinks and Venom spends too much time selling for. The Devastator's offense consists of punch, kick and gasp for air. Venom hit the BT bomb to end it. Willow the Wisp then returns. He fights with Venom before falling victim to the World's Greatest Chokeslam. (4)
Venom is then joined by "Surge" Matt Hardy. Matt talks about how he is going to take the OMEGA Heavyweight Title from Sweet Dreams tonight. The duo then slap a lot of hands. Yippee!
T.C. Brimstone/Bobby Burnette vs. Serial Thrillaz
vs. Maximum Carnage (5)
It has been well documented about how we
here at DVD FOGHAT hate T.C. Brimstone and Bob Burnette isn't much better.
I had heard of Maximum Carnage so I was hoping that they, along with
the truly great Serial Thrillaz, would kill Jake and The Fatman.
No such luck. There is some story line as to why these teams hate
each other but I don't know it. Brimstone/ Burnette brawl with Maximum
Carnage to start the match and the early story is that the Serial Thrillaz
are so bored they will do anything BUT tag into the match. (6) This whole
opening segment stinks so I nap until Burnette accidentally hits
Brimstone with a clothesline. Brimstone doesn't like it, the partners brawl
with each other, get counted out and I start thanking many deities for
their departure. Things pick up as Maximum Carnage does this awesome Total
Elimination variation were one guy hits a spin kick while the other guy
baseball slides the legs. This makes Helms Ricky Morton. He gets
beat on for a few minutes and then turns it around by hitting an
Ace Crusher. The end comes when Maverick reverses a crossbody
block into a Michinkou Driver. The
Serial Thrillaz hit their finisher and we call it a match.
Now since God hates me and has a sense of humor, Brimstone comes back out, gets on the STICK and takes 10 minutes to challenge Burnette to a match right then and there.
Brimstone vs. Burnette
I refuse to watch this match. WARP ONE, ENGAGE!
Kid Dynamo vs. Joey Matthews w/ The Duke of NY
These two truly are 14 here. They are so little. I mean Dynamo looks like he weighs about 60 pounds dripping wet - which is how he is making the young girls at ringside feel. Thank you, Thank You. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your wait staff. Oh, back to the match. Matthews and Dynamo hit the way back machine and we are taken to 1987 and its the Mid South Coliseum. This was so old time southern wrestling. They trade working on various body parts, slowly building to more elaborate offensive sequences. Matthews and the Duke do nothing but cheat to get the crowd all riled up. The was some 90s stuff thrown in with Matthews trying things you can tell he has never done before like a horrible dropkick and a guillotine leg drop. Dynamo manages to knock himself out on some move. Oh well. Duke takes a baseball slide and in his grogginess, trips Matthews. Matthews is then ripe for a Ace Crusher out of a Fireman's Carry (7) and Dynamo wins. Black Skull then hits then ring and attacks Dynamo. The run-in is really weird though as after hitting a rana and falcon arrow Skull slaps on a chinlock. It takes me a couple of minutes but I finally realize that this is a match.
Black Skull vs. Kid Dynamo
This is some weird triangle match. But it gets even weirder when I realize that this match is a special "Frankensteiner Challenge". The wrestler who hits three ranas first wins. Now that is one of the goofiest things I have ever heard of. Anyhoo, Black Skull is up 1-0 thanks to the rana that was part of his run-in.. Dynamo evens the challenge up by reversing a running powerbomb. He then takes the lead by doing the Little Dragon backward jump rana thingy (8) a full year and a half before Little Dragon does it. Go figure. Skull evens it at two by hitting a rana out of a knuckle lock. This match is pretty cool in the aspect that it is neat to see all the ways these guys are hitting the ranas. One small point that I forgot to mention: Matthews and the Duke are still at ringside. Screwjob City Next Exit. Dynamo hits a rana on Black Skull but the ref doesn't see it because he is distracted by the Duke. Dynamo then gets crotched by Matthews and Skull hits a Super Frankensteiner for the win.
Cham Pain w/ Otto Schwanz vs. "Wolverine" Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy alter-ego number two. I have never seen Jeff and Cham Pain wrestle each other before but I know that they will really click. The race to see who will land on his head first has started. They start with a running of the ropes sequence which was neat that Jeff wins with a lariat. Jeff starts flying early as he hits a back splash for two and then misses a moonsault. Cham Pain then takes the lead by hitting the corkscrew plancha that lands pretty far away from the ring. Jeff, not to be outdone, hits an insanely out of control Shooting Star Press but there is no ref to count because he is too busy talking with Otto. Cham Pain then accidentally backdrops Jeff onto Otto. Hey, Otto is really bumping for someone who is not in the match. Jeff goes for a Super Quebrada that he has to no sell because Otto and Cham Pain weren't in position. (9) So Jeff, proving he is really insane, does the Quebrada again and hits. They both roll into the ring and Cham Pain clamps on a sleeper. Jeff counters with a roll up for the win. (10). Otto attacks for a little bit. Best match of the night.
"Surge" Matt Hardy vs. Sweet Dreams
Matt comes out first but Sweet Dreams is nowhere to be found. Cham Pain wanders out, mumbles something about having Power of Attorney. He then for says that Matt is going to wrestle "his boy" Otto Schwanz for the OMEGA Heavyweight title "Surge" Matt Hardy vs. Otto Schwanz. Well, it has taken Otto a while to get better and I had to remember that this as 1997 when I watched this match. Matt makes this affair watchable by taking Otto by the hand and leading to a decent showing. There was just too much stalling and resting for my tastes. Matt does most of the selling to make Otto look better which is fine. Generally, story is that Matt had to counter Otto's power with his speed and quickness. He also has to fight off the outside interference of Cham Pain. Pretty much paint by the numbers. Matt takes a page out of his brother's book by doing a rolling senton which was a nice little homage. More Cham Pain nonsense. Matt hits the MEGAHURTZ but Cham Pain interferes for the DQ. Venom and Jeff Hardy make the save and the crowd goes home happy.
Not the best OMEGA card I have seen. The Cham Pain/Wolverine match is really good though.
The Historians of your past, the Archivists
of your present, the Harbingers of your future - Death Valley
Driver - Foghat returns with three boots to the ass of wrestling and a
whole mess of the best, brought to you
with no expense spared and no tape left unwatched.
Because you, the erudite and sophisticated online reader DEMAND the very
best, we have again risen to the challenges left unfulfilled by Deano Vaselino
and his sordid cadre of pickle juicers. In response to overwhelming demand,
this week's Foghat Fightfest will feature more of what you've come here
to see - Broken noses, concussions, and in a DVD-first groundbreaking
moment, FULL FRONTAL NUDITY!(1) Foghat - We do it because we care!
International Vale Tudo Championships
June ‘97
From SporTV in Brazil, 4 North Americans
against 4 local Chupacabras in an event under the sparsest of
Vale Tudo rules; no morder, nos enfiar os
dedos nos olhos! I nod my head in glazed agreement. This event
takes place in front of an ECW-sized crowd
inside a boxing ring. Apparently trying to avoid the ‘diving' often
seen in boxing-ring MMA events, the promoter has run a net between the
bottom rope and the ring apron to prevent fighters from tumbling
out of the ring. As they say in Brazil, ‘Necessity is the mother of dumb
Quarter Finals
Gary ‘Big Daddy' Goodridge (1.78M 114Kg, Kuk-Sool-Wan) v Augusto Santos (1.95M 93Kg kickboxing)
Hey, its the hulking frame of ‘Big Daddy' Goodridge! Gary is a Canadian behemoth possessing Ahmed Johnson's body, but thankfully not Ahmed's mumble-mouthed mic skills. "My expectations for this? Pain for everybody in my path", he glowers in his pre-match interview. Match starts out immediately with a quick grappling sequence in the middle of the ring. Goodridge tries for a guillotine choke, but no self-respecting Brazilian gets choked out one minute into a match. Augusto deftly uses the usual counters for the standing guillotine, tucking his chin, squatting slightly to protect the throat. Ah yes, business as usual against another oversized and under talented North American chump...... Then Goodridge drops the choke and grabs an overhead crucifix, cranking the hold for just a moment before launching Santos in what can only be described as a sloppy butterfly suplex. Once on the ground, Big Daddy uses his enormous arms (2) and make Santos' shoulder blades touch each other as poor Augusto vainly tries to tap with both of his hands waving in the air.
Winner by submission, ‘Big Daddy' Goodridge!
Cal Worsham (1.8M 93Kg, TKD) v Aluisio Neto (1.8M 91Kg, Capoeira)
Remember Cal Worsham? UFC6? Cal gets DVD favorite
Paul Varelans in the first round and goes toe-to-toe
with the 6'9 320lb goof until ‘Big Show' Varelans landed the Big Elbow
to send Cal to dreamland(3). Neto defends the unique style of Capoeira,
a form of South American fighting that combines
offensive assault with sweeping gestures,
leading to fighters who seem to be dancing while they're kicking your
ass. Worsham charges with a big right hand which almost sends him out of
the ring when it misses. Neto shoots low, but Worsham is able to
land some crisp punches as he backs away from trouble. Worsham leans
in to the kneeling Neto and grabs the front guillotine position. Neto charges
to force Worsham to the ropes, but Cal just drops to his back and
cranks the choke with his hips. Neto reluctantly taps and literally hangs
his head in shame. Winner by submission, Cal Worsham!
Brian Keck (1.86M 120Kg wrestling) v The Pedro (1.9M 110Kg LutaLivre)
That's right, ‘The' Pedro, Vale Tudo's most
lovable rudo is in the tournament. Pedro is renowned for his acts
of heelishness in the fight ring, including stepping on the heads of defeated
opponents and spitting on the opposing corner men. Pedro has a rather unspectacular
physique, and his technique isn't something to get excited about, but he
almost always finds a way to win. Keck is some big meatball wrestler, probably
originating from the Mark Coleman's Hammer
House, if the announcer's gushing over Coleman is any
indication(4). He looks like Louie Anderson with an attitude. Keck does
the usual wrestler opening, bulling Pedro into the corner with his
massive bulk. Pedro tries several trips to get to the mat, but Keck has
too much strength and balance. Pedro continues with trip attempts, and
damn if Keck doesn't look gassed already. Keck finally drags
Pedro to the mat, and almost gets triangled in the first 20 seconds. He
counters with slaps and hammer fists, which force Pedro to flip to his
stomach and expose his back to avoid the blows. Now, against a skilled
and experienced ground fight, this would be bordering on suicide, but against
a Rasmussenesque load like Keck its good strategy. Keck slaps and mauls
Pedro, but after absorbing a few shots, Pedro outmaneuvers the wrestler
and returns to his feet, drawing a huge pop from the crowd. Keck again
bulls Pedro back into a corner, and is clearly sucking Hellwigian amounts
of wind now. Pedro glances around the ring and finds the video camera,
prompting him to wink and give a big ‘thumbs up' to all his fans in TV
Land. Pedro drops a few short lefts at Keck, who insists on hanging on
to Pedro's waist and panting. Pedro pushes Keck away and lands more punches
while Keck misses badly with a wild counterpunch. Pedro leaps on his off-balance
foe and drives him to the mat, sliding easily into a rear naked choke.
As Pedro is attempting to get his forearm under Keck's many chins, Keck
taps. I suppose he was thinking, "Geez, I can't even breathe NOW, and he
hasn't started to choke yet!" Winner by submission, The Pedro!
John Gnap (1.8M 100Kg, wrestling/KSW) v Andre Cardoso (1.9M 100Kg Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing)
Anyone remember a game called, ‘Gnip-Gnop'? Ping pong spelled backwards, ya know, you volleyed a ball across a plastic box through a ‘net' with big holes. Something like that anyways. Andre Cardozo looks suspiciously like Konnan. Orale! I'd wager he hasn't tossed a salad outside of his own kitchen, but I wouldn't dare ask. Gnap does a quick shoot but Cardoso easily fends it off with nice punches. Gnap lunges and grab the single-leg, forcing Cardoso to sprawl before winding up and delivering a brutal kneestrike to the head that sends Gnap staggering to the corner. The Brazilian quickly follows up with a pair of solid kicks to the head of his dazed opponent, forcing the referee to stop the match before Gnap gets gnocked silly. Winner is a cakewalk, Andre Cardoso!
Gary ‘Big Daddy' Goodridge v Cal Worsham
Two North Americans in one bracket, two Brazilians
in the other. Talk about brilliant booking! I'd have Goodridge beat
everybody until Rickson Gracie's ‘Real Brazilian' music plays and he runs
to the ring to submit Big Daddy in 30 seconds,
after which Rickson would be awarded the IVT trophy and prize money.
But back to the real world, where Goodridge
grabs a waistlock and hurls Worsham to the ground. Working from the
guard, Big Daddy deftly escapes to side-mount where he appears to be grinding
an elbow into Worsham's throat. Worsham taps so quickly that the fans are
up in arms, probably screaming ‘Fix' in Portuguese. (5)Winner and finalist,
Gary ‘Big Daddy' Goodridge!
The Pedro v Andre Cardoso
The men circle cautiously in the early moments, with Cardoso landing a few solid whip kicks to the leg and Pedro missing badly with his counters. Andre seems to be the quicker and stronger fighter in these early exchanges. They grapple to the ropes where Cardoso manages to take Pedro down with a waistlock and quickly advances to the mounted position! Pedro immediately gives up his back, prompting Cardoso to go for the rear-naked choke, as any self-respecting Brazilian would. Pedro smells it coming and slips into Cardoso's guard by pulling the younger man over his shoulder and maintaining hand control (6) Pedro takes this opportunity to stall and catch his breath in the guard(7). Pedro throws the occasional head butt and forearm, and after close to 7 minutes of this sporadic action, Cardoso has a split lip and bloody nose. Pedro has actually managed to maneuver Cardoso's head so that it is under the bottom rope and covered with the ‘protective' net. Brilliant idea, Mr Promoter sir, simply brilliant. His foe distracted. Pedro backs out of the guard and slaps on a quick kneebar for the submission. Winner by tap- out, ‘The' Pedro!
Gary ‘Big Daddy' Goodridge v ‘The' Pedro
Man, that Goodridge is one scary looking
dude. Hearing him talk breaking the illusion because he's quite
well-spoken and prone to peppering his interviews
with such thuggish statements as, "If, in fact, you advance to fight me"
and "Perhaps you've underestimated my abilities". Goodridge opens up with
a flurry of wild punches (8), most of them missing but still having enough
raw power to knock Pedro to the ropes. Goodridge goes for the overhead
crucifix again, and somewhere an aged but unbowed Gordon Solie makes a
comment about "Going to the well once too often" as Pedro counters
with a trip, landing squarely in Big Daddy's guard. Pedro advances to half-guard
and begins to smack Goodridge soundly on his ears, which hurts like you
wouldn't believe. Goodridge tries to hold Pedro's head close to his chest
and prevent him from rearing back to throw punches, but finally manages
to use his brute strength to reverse positions in a classic wrestling
‘elevator'. Goodridge throws the bombs, but can't connect cleanly before
Pedro flips over and gives up his back. Goodridge quickly recalls what
he's seen from his backstage seat at the UFC and tries for one of those
fancy-pants rear-naked thingies, but Pedro's defense of the choke is too
sophisticated for Big Daddy's limited skills. Goodridge actually tries
the ‘Goozle', or trachea choke, but Big Daddy is no Meng! Pedro quickly
rolls out and winds up in the guard, prompting Goodridge to give
up his back to the wily veteran; Goodridge is too thick across the shoulders
for Pedro to keep his balance, and swiftly gets shrugged off by Big Daddy.
Goodridge gets the side-mount on Pedro and looks to catch his breath. Goodridge
throws some elbow strikes to the kidneys, which will undoubtedly
have Pedro whizzing Cherry Kool-Aid for the next two weeks. Pedro
turns and gives up his back again, but when Goodridge tries to advance
from side-mount to rear mount, Pedro catches him mid-step and forces him
to his back, with Pedro now in the guard. The crowd pops big for this sequence,
and Big Daddy is looking visibly winded at this point. Some minor punches
are exchanged when I notice that Gary Goodridge has for some reason placed
his left foot *inside* of The Pedro's Speedo trunks. As Pedro tries to
maintain position, Goodridge soon has his entire foot deeply buried in
Pedro's trunks, bringing the front waistband all the way down below the
crotch. Pedro clumsily tries to stand and back away, and WOAH NELLIE! We
get a far-too-detailed glimpse of ‘Little Pedro and the Twins' popping
out for a quick look-see, undoubtedly prompting much freeze-framing and
frame-grabbing from Pedrophiles worldwide(9). In a surreal twist,
The Brazilian Pedro stands above Goodridge and refuses to return to the
ground with that foot-fetishist, while Canadian Goodridge lies on his back
and beckons Pedro to come to the ground with him so his can stick his big
toe up his anus. After a few minutes of this stalling, the referee
forces Goodridge to stand and both men get a quick chat with their respective
corners. On the restart, the men grapple standing as Big Daddy forces the
Brazilian into the corner. Suddenly, Pedro winces graphically and keels
over in pain, turning his back on Goodridge and stumbling to the center
of the ring. Goodridge pursues with vigor and tackles Pedro
as the fans jeer and boo roundly. Goodridge lands a massive elbow strike
from the side mount and follows up with a thunderous knee as Pedro tries
to stand. Goodridge pounces on his fallen opponent and finishes him off
with a flurry of punches until Pedro taps. Winner, Gary Goodridge? But
what happened? A closer inspection of the video reveals that as the men
grappled into the corner on the standup, Gary deftly slipped his
*hand* into Pedro's "marble-bag" Speedos and actually applied the DREADED
SCROTUM CLAW, illegal in 44 states and Puerto Rico, but thankfully not
banned in Brazil by anything more official that simply athletic courtesy.
Imagine having a professional arm-wrestler putting the squeeze on Los Juevos,
and you'll be amazed that Pedro even had the (*ahem*) testicular fortitude
to continue. A disgraceful and hollow victory for ‘Big Naddy' Goodridge
a The Pedro refuses to shake his hand and limps gingerly
to the locker room where he has a date with an ice pack and all the painkillers
you can throw at him. Rumor has it that it took The Pedro almost
a full week until he stopped talking like a Latino Mr Hankey.
Michinoku Pro on Samurai TV 4/11/99
Michinoku Pro is on quite the resurgent hotstreak. With Sasuke and Naniwa returning to form since their injuries, an influx of crazy Indy fliers, and CRAZY MAX ruling the spot, MPRO is putting out their best product since the height of the KDX(1) days.
Perro Russo v. Wellington Wilkins Jr.
Battle of white boy power wrestlers. Wilkins(2)
is kind of a poor man's Buddy Lee Parker (3) as he works
pretty stiff, and kind of beats the crap out of Russo. Wilkins busts out
some nasty European uppercuts, a swank belly to belly suplex
and a nice superplex. Russo STINKS, and contributes nothing, sans some
laughter, in the form of the worlds worst victory roll. Wilkins gets the
win with a torture rack neckbreaker.
Gets the full Worldwide point.
Cosmic Soldier + Zorro v. Gran Hamada + Tiger Mask IV
This was pretty fun. Cosmic Soldier is a crazy
highflyer from the seedy underbelly of Japaneese Wrestling (4), Zorro is
Victor Quinounes's special friend (5), while Hamada and Tiger Mask IV should
be well known by all. The erratic Tiger Mask is ruling it on this night,
beating the poop out of the young Cosmic Soldier, Hamada is
his usual dependently ruling self, Cosmic Soldier is all nuts, and hits
the swank Shiryu style tope-con-hilo. The turd in the
soup is Zorro, as he completely stinks up the spot, including hitting an
frog splash, a sub Renegade springboard elbow,
and most egregiously, he basically no-sells a top rope
stunner by Hamada (6). The un- Zorro-stained portions are fine wrestling
Super Boy v. Pilota Suicida
These guys both spend most of their time in Southern California Lucha indies, so they are quite familiar with each other. Spot festy with Superboy (7) bumping like a freak for the mediocre Piloto, as well as doing some highspots which are amazing for a man of that girth. The big spots include a big plancha and tope con hilo from Suicida, and an amazing Asai moonsault and blind tope headbut by the porculant Superboy. Some of the stuff in between the big spots was sloppy, but the big spots were big.
Jinsei Shinzaki v. Pablo Marquez
After being gone for a while Shinsucky returns
(8), in all of his lazy glory against the erstwhile Babu. Pablo
tries, but Jinsei is giving him nothing.
Jinsei does both an extended chinlock and an extended nerve pinch in a
6 minute match. POOOOO
Great Sasuke + TAKA Michinoku + Gran Naniwa v. Shiima Nobanaga + Sumo Fuji + Judo Suwa(9)
This was the best match in Michinoku Pro since Kaientai left(10) . Mercy, this ruled, Great Sasuke is making a run at Wrestler of the Year, as he is FEELING IT lately. CRAZY MAX busts out all their goofy triple teams, triple face dropkick, assisted face slam, and something which is basically undescribable (11). There is an amazingly great exchange between Judo and Sasuke with Sasuke being fast as all hell, and graceful as all fuck. Judo also shows why he is the hidden jewel of the Toryuman boys by being the super rudo and making Sasuke look even better (12). Shiima and TAKA have a great exchange too, as the future of cocky dicks meets the legend (13), I want a 15 year feud. They had the prerequisite million nearfalls section (14), which leads into Sasuke and TAKA trying to out kill each other with insane highspots (15). Damn fun match which had all you could want from a classic Michinoku style 6-man, wads of triple teams, bunches of cool powermoves, classic dickness, sweet hot DEATH, more fun then a house full of hookers. YOU WANT DIS.
Michinoku Pro "How Is It?" Commercial Tape
(Part One)
Early Michinoku Pro is sooooo weird to watch. Everyone looks completely different - mostly really young. So this bad boy was just begging to be reviewed but it is like 14 shows in one so I had to break it into two parts.
Tape opens with highlights of the endings of a couple of random matches. (1)
Shinsaki/Damien 666 vs. The Predator/Yone
The Predator is about the 417 best luchadore.
His mask is that of the alien from ALIEN. Cool. This match is clipped to
all hell and I am not complaining at all. It is your standard comedy match
as Genjin and Damien trade idiot spots. (2) Shinsaki seems to be
repelled at the thought of being in these types of matches. That of course
is really entertaining since he is ALWAYS in these types of matches. He
at least gets the pinfall as the Predator falls victim to the praying headbutt.
Terry Boy vs. Sabu
Hey, I never knew that Mr. Clutch and
Grab wrestled in MPro. I'm not surprised though. Terry Boy is Men's Teioh
is super happy face mode. The match is clipped to a point where Sabu hits
a split-legged moonsault and tope con hilo. Sabu goes for the table
and it backfires as Terry Boy moves. They spend an inordinate amount of
time breaking pieces of the table off to hit each other with. I guess you
could consider it a creative rest hold. Sabu wins with a slingshot moonsault.
Damien 666 vs. Gran Naniwa
Hey, I wonder if Naniwa is willing to lay
down in this match. (3) Naniwa has stunk ever since he returned from his
broken leg. Well, Naniwa stunk when he was young too. Thanks to clipping
and Yone Genjin interference, this match ends fairly early. Damien wins
with a tombstone.
TAKA Michinoku vs. Yone Genjin
Man, Genjin is all over this tape. (4) Whoever
is editing this tape sure has a weird idea of what to clip and what to
leave in. We are brought to the point in the match where Yone is biting
TAKA's ass. When then get an extended chinlock. If this is making
the cut, I hate to think of what didn't make it. Young TAKA gets
things rolling by hitting the springboard plancha. He goes to the well
one time to many as he does a plancha to nothing. Genjin gets about as
highflying as he is going to doing a splash of the top turnbuckle. TAKA
gets the advantage by hitting the one-two punch of a belly-to-belly suplex
and a Northern Lights suplex. TAKA tries a standing rana but that gets
blocked into a powerbomb. The second time is the charm as he hits the rana
and then follows it up with a La Magistral for the win. The match really
got better as it went along.
Great Sasuke/Terry Boy/Shiryu vs. Yone
Genjin/Gran Naniwa/Shinzaki
Still haven't had a complete match
on this tape and I kinda wish that this one was. This was the usually blend
of great wrestling mixed with the comedy spots that you are used to seeing
in 6-mans. The worst part of this match is that the keeping clipping away
from the wrestling to show Yone Genjin comedy.
Hey look, I am going to no sell two DDT's but stepping on my fingers and
toes will really hurt. MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS! The clipping finally stops
right before the highspot train. It starts with a Terry Boy tope of Shinzaki.
(5) Naniwa and Shiryu each hit planchas. Yone just kinda jumps off the
ring apron. Which leaves Sasuke to do the Asai moonsault. That was pretty
crazy but not a crazy as the stereo highspots that Sasuke and Shiryu do.
Sasuke does a wildly out of control tope con hilo while Shiryu completes
the middle rope tope with little room to spare. Shinsaki gets his second
win of the tape as he hits the Holy combo (6) on Terry Boy for the win.
This sets up a singles match between the two that I will get to next week.
TAKA vs. Jado
Expertly reviewed by Schneider in DVDR #82
Great Sasuke/Ultimo Dragon vs. Shinsaki/Gedo
Man you have the Great Sasuke and the
Ultimo Dragon in the same match and your proceed to clip it to all hell.
What the fuck? The show almost nothing. But the do show the important part.
Sasuke nearly dying as he overshoots Shinsaki by a country mile with a
moonsault to floor. Dragon then hits a skytwister press (or at least as
close as he will ever come to it) for the win.
AAA Rey of Reyes
After watching the first batch of recent
AAA I got, I was steadfast in my belief it was probably the worst
wrestling federation on earth. Immobile fossils(1), talent less teen stuntmen(2),
and oiled promoter concubines(3), dressed
in garish and ridiculous costumes competing in weak ass brawls which appear
to be booked by Paul Heyman on Mescaline. However this little Rey De Reyes
tourney wasn't that bad(4), having some close-to-tolerable wrestling, with
a nice performance sprinkled here and there, so maybe I need to move AAA
up a notch.(5)
Hijo Del Solatario v. Albrije v. Espectro
Jr. v. Octagon
Sort of an inauspicious start, Hijo Del Solatario
is kind of the David Flair of Mexico (6) i.e his dad rules, he sucks. Albrije
is in a psychedelic purple bug costume with wings which is quite AAA in
the way a costume
can be described as AAA. Espectro Jr.
is a fine workman like midcarder, and Octagon has been wrestling
the same exact match for 10 years(7). Not much of worth, except some okay
mat work from Espectro and Octagon. Solatario plays inept
rudo, Octagon does his schtickt and gets the Octagon submission(8) on
Espectro for the final elimination.
Mascara Sagrada v. Abismo Negro v. Dos Caras
v. Cibernetico
Mascara Sagrada is to Lucha like Doink in
to U.S. Indies(9), Abismo Negro is the ex-Winner's and is a
member of one of the 1000 heel stables in AAA(10), Dos Caras is a legitimate
legend and the winner of the world's most preposterous arsenal
of submissions: Master Class (11), Cibernetico is the Mexican Psycho Sid
(12). Actually some pretty good wrestling
with Caras being real spunky for an MARP (13) member. Sagrada does
a nice Ultimo headscissors, Abismo does a sweet somersault of the ring
apron to nowhere, Dos Caras busts out a goofy submission, Cibernetico and
Caras exchange some super fast roll ups before Cibernetico gets the win
with a small package. Not great, but better then expected.
Oscar Sevilla v. Apache v. The Panther v.
Latin Lover
Fun little match. Sevilla (14) sort of looks
like the real deal doing a bunch of quick headscissors and diving ranas,
and super freaked out roll ups, he also hits a pretty graceful tope. Apache
is the fucking bomb, he La
Tapatiaed Moses, but he is still spunky
as hell, not afraid to fly around and hit the dickish short dropkicks to
the face. A real fun oldster rudo, who I hadn't seen before, sort of a
unmasked rudo Super Astro. The Panther is right
there not blowing anything. Latin Lover does his dance (15), but actually
does some okay wrestling too, including the ring apron
handstand, headscissors take over. Panther takes out Apache as he
turns his Dragon rana into a powerbomb, but
the mediocre feline is felled by a Latin Lover inside cradle. The best
AAA match I have seen in a while.
Pentagon v. Electroshock v. Blue Demon Jr.
v. El Canek
This is the 4th or 5th Pentagon and he ain't
as good as the original (16), Blue Demon Jr. is very okay, but he
ain't Blue Demon Sr.(17) by a long shot, Electroshock has the choice Hannibal
Lecter mask and takes some nice midrange bumps. El Canek(18) is as
old as the hills, but is feeling it tonight. Electroshock and Pentagon
2K start with some nice quick exchanges. Canek hits a Mid-Atlantic slow
headscissors, and tosses Electroshock to the floor (19) where he
hits an old school as the Furious Five tope (20). Canek and
Electroshock mix it up, with Electroshock getting the big upset after Canek
misses a spinning senton. Weird to see Canek so spry, ended up being
a nice match.
Electroshock v. Octagon v. Cibernetico v.
Latin Lover
Ick, Pena's suckier booking tendencies take
over as he Ed Ferreira's the hell out of the final. Electroshock
does some comedy spots (21), Pentagon attacks some Moreno sister or something
causing Octagon to get counted out. World's crappiest
ref bump, and a Cibernetico foul on Latin Lover (22) gets the crappiest
guy in the whole tournament the win. He celebrates with Los Vatocectoviperlocos
and AAA leaves the expected bad taste in your mouth.(23)
We decided instead of crying cybertears over
his death, we would celebrate his life, by watching some of his great matches.
Owen was one of the true greats in this sport and he has left us with quite
a legacy of quality professional wrestling.
Owen Hart v. Pegasus Kid-06/26/90
This was during the period when Owen was arguably on of the top three or four workers in the world. Both guys were sporting bad earlier 90's Canadian hair(2). It started hot, with Beniot press slamming Hart out to the floor, with Hart landing right on his knee. Beniot was deeply into his Dynamitcito Kid phase as nearly all of his offense was out of Dynamite's playbook. There was lots of intricate mat reversals including an Owen flip out of a snap mare, into a flip out of a backdrop into a victory roll sequence, which was breathtaking in it's complexity. Owen also did an armbar reversal which had him leap on the top rope from the ring in one motion. Lots of back and forth action, including a great Beniot pescada which wedged Hart between the saftey rail. Owen also hit the world's greatest moonsault(3). The ending was super choice as Beniot hit the top rope backdrop suplex to get the win. This is the only Chris Beniot match I have ever seen when he was clearly the inferior wrestler(4). Hart was so quick, forceful and athletic in his prime it was a true pleasure to watch.
Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart - Wrestlemania
X -3/20/94
I really wanted to review the cage match from THE SUMMERSLAM (5) which got 5 stars. I have never seen it and thought that it might be a good time to watch it. Unfortunately, neither Blockbuster or Hollywood Video have it, so I am doing the next best thing: The Hart brothers SUPER-specactular opener from Wrestlemania X. This match got slightly overshadowed by the ladder match later on the card but this match still kicks ass. Bret's super over and Owen just wants to kill him. Crowd loves Bret, hates Owen. Real traditional face/heel breakdown. You never see that anymore. During the match, these two do everything to make Stu and Canada proud. There are big batches of psychology as they mimic each others' moves, all the while setting up the race for the sharpshooter. By my rough count, there was 16 two counts in the match (6). Two things to watch are: the sequence where Owen suplexes Bret into the ring, which gets reversed into a waistlock, which gets reversed into a German suplex that is absolutely mindblowing in its beauty. The other thing is seeing Owen breaking the Five Moves with the enzuigiri. Of course, nothing tops the ending as Owen pins Bret CLEAN AS A MOTHERFUCKING SHEET. The Madison Square Garden crowd is stunned and Owen celebrates like he just stole a kiss from the Homecoming Queen. Keep watching for Owen's victory interview after which he mumbles on with snot hanging out of his nose. (7)
Owen Hart/Keichi Yamada vs. Great Gama/Makham
Singh (Stampede)
Well talk about running the freakin' gamut. The youngest Hart brother and the man who would be Jushin Liger versus well... umm.... those fat, old guys. Man, that is a way to start a career. Carrying loads like Makham Singh (8) and the Great Gama to watchable matches. Anyway, the basic premise should be familiar to you now. The faces dominate the heels. The only way the heels can get offense is to cheat. So, Yamada is the FIP when the heels gain the advantage. There is lots of Singh playing the "Hide the Foreign Object in the Rolls of Fat" Game. Owen gets the hot tag and clears the ring. There is a nice point where Owen hits a missile dropkick which Yamada follows up with his own. Owen also does a lot of that spinning foot scrap thing that Eddy Guerrero does that was supposedly taken from Bruce Lee. Typically screwy Stampede ending as Jerry Morrow runs out, piledrives Yamada twice on the floor and then jumps Owen. Beat down continues until Viet Cong #1 aka Hiro Hase hits the ring to break things up. Aaahh, how far you had come Owen. RIP Owen. You are in a better place now.
Owen Hart v. Jushin Liger 4/28/91
This match was JIP (9) like most New Japan
Juniors matches (10). Bunches of good ol' fashioned
psychology in the beginning with Liger working over the back with strikes
and La Tapatia. Owen fights back with his king sized German Suplex.
Owen then leans into a kappo kick like a man. World greatest moonsault
for a near fall, Owen climbs to the top again and is met by Liger, who
absolutely kills him with a top rope DDT for the win (11). This match
showed how much Owen excelled at selling, he leaned into all of Liger's
strikes, sold his back well and took a super dangerous bump on the top
rope DDT. Owen ruled it.
Dean Rassmussen Braying Jackass
Deanie loves Tommy
From Death Valley Driver #5
"I then watched Dreamer's match with
Funk against Raven and Cactus Jack in ECW and- c'mon gals and guys!-
Tommy was born to be a garbage wrestler. He was brilliant in that match!
Funk and Cactus did
their usual world class brawling and Raven
did the touching halo of barbed wire Tribute to Matsunaga.:) From
a wrestling standpoint, Dreamer is Onita-like in the feigning of
technical wrestling but you can tell he is really into the violent end
of it. I'm just glad that Tommy Dreamer has found a niche that he finds
rewarding and that he realized his lot in life before did something
really stupid, like wallow in midcard status in the big two in Japan and
The US of A for the rest of his career. The world can use an American
Masato Tanaka, but, hey, one Tom Zenk was enough (God bless him). We're
looking at a new worldwide trend of better wrestlers
getting mixed up in the garbage leagues and,hell, I'm all for it. Garbage
wrestling isn't going to go away so they might as well try and make it
into something cool (as opposed to just sick); if you stick enough talented
and semi-talented guys into it, an actual, credible style may come out
of it. If that ever reaches fruition, then FMW and ECW won't be so
apologetic to the normal organizations when it comes to defending the more
excessive aspects of their matches and can say it works on its own terms.
I don't see people coming down on Lucha Libre because three guys sometimes
pin one guy at one time. It works in the realm of Lucha Libre so
to hell with everybody else; it works on its own terms, it doesn't matter
if anybody thinks it's wrong, that's the style and that's that. It's a
staple of the style. If these talented young punks in ECW and FMW work
out a credible style over a period of time, they can have the same privilege
and it won't be compared to regular pro style. It will be its own style
and have its own rules. It has to get past the point of being chumps who
can't actually wrestle so they hit each other with chairs; It has to reach
the point where it is wrestlers who decide to expand the repertiore at
there disposal to include violent elements outside the normal pro style,
but use them in addition to, as opposed to "as in place of",
wrestling skill. FMW is reaching that point with its young guys, why shouldn't
the US have its own vanguard, with Dreamer at the point. "
I can just see Dean now, sitting on a urine and sweat stained couch one hand on a bag of Bugles one hand checking his Ebay bid on Sunny's implants, while he chants ECW! ECW! ECW!
And so we bid you adieu, dear Friends of Foghat, until our next adventure into the international world of combat sports and professional wrestling. In closing, I'd like to make a humble plea to those of you out there who have emailed me on the subject of the purile and rudimentary writing skills found on display over at the Wakenhut of DVD-Hollandaise. My advice to you is this - never, under any circumstances, read a Hollandaise edition immediately following one from Foghat. Without several days to clear your mind, it is unavoidable for you to realize that the quality and degree of rhetorical sophistication found at DVD-Foghat cannot be duplicated by our imposters. To so closely compare the merits of our prose and that of the wannabes at DVD- Baconfat would without question lead to an up swelling of populist support demanding that these ignoramuses take their limp-wristed attempts at prosaic witticism and send them back to the elementary schoolyards from wench they came. And frankly, given how little those DVD- Pretendaz have going for them, I can't in good conscience subject them to yet another source of criticism. DVD Foghat - The DVD That Cares.
NEXT TIME: ISSUE 100, lots of surprises, you all just wait.
(1) Oral and Vaginal BTW
(2)Hardcover - 320 pages 1 Ed edition (May
1999) Little Brown & Company;
(3) See we at DVDR FOGHAT are literary, we
read more then just the back of HoHo's wrappers and Alt.Sex.Fetish.Scat
(3a) I.E our boys at Hollendaise
(4)Which is Southern U.S. Wrestling LUCHA
(5) Which is Japanese Puroresu LUCHA STYLE
(6) IBID
(7) Which is AAA for you youngbloods.
(8) Which is Lutre Livre which is kind of
OMEGA (Handheld) - Samford, NC 11/8/97
(1) Well, with the Hardy's new push, Shane
"THE BOMB" Helms, Shannon Moore, Christian York, Joey Matthews all working
Music City (amongst other places) and Venom supposedly in WWF training
camp, I think OMEGA is officially dead. They had two dates in April that
were canceled and I haven't heard about any new dates. We will see.
(2) A reverse neckbreaker thingy that Tommy
Rodgers used as his finisher in ECW.
(3) The Duke of NY is Allan Barrie for anyone
who cares.
(4) Venom hoists Willow up and since Jeff
Hardy supersells everything, he is about 10 feet in the air, madly kicking
his feet before crashing to the mat and selling the chokeslam like his
back was broken.
(5) Maximum Carnage = Fuma & Hydra. Serial
Thrillaz = Mike Maverick & Shane "THE BOMB" Helms. Brimstone/Barnett
= Two flaming piles of shit.
(6) Things like napping, jumping jacks, push-ups,
drinking a beverage, taking photos with the fans - things like that.
(7) You might know it better as a TKO. You
know, the thing Marc Mero used to do. Remember Marc Mero. The man who left
WCW because the angles weren't "Christian -like" and now his woman is preparing
to do her second Playboy shoot.
(8) While facing the crowd, jump off the
top rope back into the ring over opponents shoulders and then hit the hurricarana.
(9) It was reminiscent of that time when
Psychosis had to no sell the moonsault off the ladder.
(10) See Piper/Hart from Wrestlemania 8.
Naimark World o' Shootin
(1) That picture of Rev Ray's girlfriend on
Phil's homepage doesn't count
(2) Gary Goodridge has competed in professional
arm-wrestling tournaments for most of the decade, and has performed well
at an elite level. Goodridge holds a flash win over Cleave Dean, considered
to be the best arm-wrestler of the modern era
(3) Varelans then fought Tank Abbott in the
next fight, which is best known for Tank saying, "You'd better
stop [the videotape], I'm getting sexually
aroused" after watching himself pound Varelans's face to a bloody pulp
(4) Coleman was not visible at ringside,
where he can usually be found at Brazilian events screaming at the
fans and making veins pop out of his tongue
(5) Upon further review of the video,
they may have been right, as I don't see Goodridge doing anything that
would force Worsham to quit.
(6) Rest assured that when you hear
the DVD Pretendaz talk about ‘hand control', they're opening up another
can of sardines altogether.
(7) Much like a certain overrated American
MMA'er whose name rhymes with ‘Spam Sock'
(8) Goodridge is no boxer by any standards,
but has to be considered one of the most explosive strikers in
MMA. He hit Oleg Taktarov so hard in Japan that I honestly feared for Oleg's
(9) Get it, Pedrophiles? Aw c'mon, who cares
what Jerry Lawler says, its FUNNY!
Michinoku Pro on Samurai TV 4/11/99
(1) Kaientai Deluxe for those who don't know
(2) Who may or may not be Beef Wellington,
reports are mixed
(3) Who is himself a poor man's Fit Finlay,
so that makes Wilkin's Finlay twice removed
(4) He matriculates in D2T, ZIPANG, IWA Restart,
Shin FMW and places like that.
(5) Which makes him the bag man for the multinational
three pronged global conspiracy orchestrated by a
cabal of Homosexual promoters to take
over the world of Japanese, Mexican and Puerto Rican wrestling,
thus using their influence to keep girls from going out with Zach Arnold
(6) Not really in the belligerent Road Warrior
Hawk way, but more in the incompetent Rob Van Damn way
(7) Who also wrestles as the Convict in MPRO
(8) Jinsei Shinzaki does kind of a Muto/Muta
gimmick with Shinzaki wrestling in great fucking matches with Misawa and
Mr. Gannoseke, and Shinsucky his alter ego wrestling in turdburgers like
(9) aka CRAZY MAX
(10) This match is also 3rd in my MOTY balloting
behind Sasuke v. Magnum Tokyo and Misawa v. Kawada
(11) Although I'll try, Judo holds Sasuke,
while Shiima does a cartwheel which places his feet on Sumo's
Shoulders (like he is headscissoring his own partner) then he lifts himself
up a puts Sasuke in a front face lock, then Sumo throws Shiima's legs off
of his shoulders swinging Shiima into a spinning DDT on Sasuke. It looks
even more preposterous then it sounds.
(12) For example he steps into Sasuke's tope-con-hilo
and for the first time, it looks like it hurts the opponent more then it
hurts Sasuke.
(13) They have a dickishness contest too,
with Shiima doing a surfboard with a CRAZY MAX crotch
(13a) Kind of like he is whacking off a 10
foot dick
(14) Which included the world's greatest
frog splash by Shiima
(15) Sasuke checks in with a Top Rope Twisting
Springboard Psicosis Senton, TAKA trumps him with the
Super Quebrada into a skytwister press
(15a) Which he kills himself DEAD with
Michinoku Pro "How Is It?" Commercial Tape (Part One)
(1) Lots of "Where Are They Now" type guys.
You know the ones who have a hard time staying in their tights because
they are so fat.
(2) Like threaten the fans and hitting each
other with a sombrero.
(3) A few years back, these two wrestled
in the first round of the Super J. If Damien won, he would get to
wrestle his idol Jushin Liger. Naniwa refused to do the job. Stupid punk
(4) This is not a good thing.
(5) Why Shinsaki was on the outside and Yone
Genjin made the cut, I will never know. Maybe he is sleeping with the producer.
(6) The praying powerbomb and the praying
(1)Perro Aguayo anyone?
(2) I am looking at you AAA Psicosis.
(3) Latin Lover, you ears are burning
(4)Rey De Reyes is a series of four 4-Corners
matches, with the winners meeting in a 4-Corners match. They do it
every year.
(5)MCW slides back down to the gutter where
they belong.
(6)Or David Sammartino, or Chris Von Erich,
or Angelo Mosca Jr.
(7)He doesn't have Fuerza Guerrera around
to make him look good either
(8)Sitting abdominal stretch
(9)I.E There are 7000 of them
(10) Los Vatos Locos, Los Insectos, Los Nuevos
Payasos, Los Vipers, Los bunch of guys in bad costumes who are shadows
of the originals.
(11) Dr. Cerebro leads up the current division.
(12)Cibernetico is wearing short shorts which
show off his needle pocked ass.
(13) Mexican Association of Retired Persons
(14) Who is dressed in an incredibly fey,
bull fighters outfit, thus revealing another Antonio Pena fetish
(15) As a fat man in Mrs. Rassmussen's basement
in Richmond, sprays from the love hose.
(16) The original Pentagon, ODed during Ultimo
Dragons AAA debut match, not only did AAA broadcast the match, they
had slow mo replays of the death, in a move that made the continuation
of the Over the Edge PPV, down right Judith Martinesque
(17) Probably the greatest worker in Lucha
(18) Canek was a huge Lucha drawing card
in the 1980's for the UWA he defeated Andre The Giant, took
Owen Hart's mask ect.
(19) With Da Shock taking a nice bump
(20) At this point I am pretty sure this
is AAA Canek, or El Hijo Del Canek or something
(21) Although he does do a baseball slide
bump to the floor
(22) As Dean turns green with envy, as he
can only dream of touching Latin Lover's package
(23) Pena is an expert in leaving bad tastes
Owen Hart Tribute
(1) We decided to dedicate this singles going
steady to the memory of Owen Hart, but Naimark had already done this fine
review of an U.S. Indy shootstyle match so we are sticking that here.
(1a)American Kickboxer (5'7 150lbs, Karate/shooto) v Dean Smythe (5'10
170 wrestling)
Longtime indy fans might remember The
American Kickboxer from his red-hot feud with Tarek The Great, which
garnered the Wrestling Lariat's 1996 Indy Feud of the Year and won the
Kickboxer the 1996 Indy High-Flier of the year. What these seasoned
indy watchers don't know us that The American Kickboxer is a highly trained
martial-artist who learned at the knee of none other than Dr Jim Thomas,
head coach of the U.S. National Karate Team. This match takes place in
Richmond, Indiana at the ‘MMAC Arena' inside one of the most bizarre fighting
rings ever - a 10-ft octagon with the fencing reaching from floor to ceiling
all around. Its a brilliant idea, but will never catch on for bigger event
due to the poor camera angles afforded by the cage. Dean Smythe has actually
made quite a name for himself as a pro-wrestler in recent years, competing
under a mask through the Southern areas in a gimmick I agreed not to divulge
in the interests of what little kayfabe still exists in wrestling today.
Smythe has size over kickboxer and his background as a state-level amateur
wrestler. Dr Thomas himself is refereeing the match, and Kickboxer wears
his US Team gi pants to the Octagon. Smythe opens with a quick shoot, dodging
a front kick from the Kickboxer and driving him back to the fence where
he attempts to drag his opponent to the ground. Kickboxer hangs on to the
fence to maintain balance, and Smythe breaks off the grapple and returns
to the center of the ring. Smythe shoots again, this time with a double-leg,
and takes Kickboxer to the ground. Its guard time and the smaller
Kickboxer keeps forcing Smythe's knees back away from him with his legs
to keep him off balance. Smythe gets wise to this tactic and uses Kickboxer's
shoves to help him pass the guard into side-mount. Kickboxer immediately
gives up his back but makes sure to grab a wrist and he turtles up to maintain
hand control. Smythe attempts some minor offense before Kickboxer manages
to crawl to his feet, still holding the wrist, as the men break. Kickboxer
circles and throws a couple of showy kicks which are in no danger of landing.
Smythe suddenly shoots, but makes a classic amateur wrestler's mistake
of dropping to a knee and moving forward when the initial shoot doesn't
give him a solid grip on his opponent. With surprisingly fluidity, Kickboxer
throws a blistering left whip-kick that connects solidly with the ear of
Smythe, followed immediately by a right round kick to the sternum/clavicle
that knocks the bigger man sprawling! Referee Thomas halts the match to
inspect Smythe, who seems shaken but otherwise unharmed, and the fight
resumes after maybe 2 minutes. On the restart Smythe is clearly trying
to stay out of striking range against the superior striker, holding his
head back and flinching with every feint. Kickboxer feints a kick and shoots
for the waistlock, but gets countered and powered to the fence. Kickboxer
turns his back on Smythe to grab the fence, but isn't quick enough
as Smythe takes advantage of his rear waistlock position to execute a sloppy
but undoubtedly effective German plex. Smythe maintains the waistlock and
pulls Kickboxer to his feet for yet another German plex, Severn v Macias
style. This one looked crisper, sending Kickboxer's legs flying over his
head on impact. Smythe still hasn't relinquished the waistlock, and appears
to be getting set for yet another plex, when Kickboxer flails at the fence
before literally disappearing from camera view! A few seconds later we're
back in the ring and Kickboxer has a kneebar on Smythe and is cranking
like his ass depended on it. Smythe vainly tries to grab an ankle
and work the old shooto ‘dueling leglocks' spot, but can't get the pressure
and taps. Winner, and sporting a bloody nose, The American Kickboxer! But
what happened? As Smythe pulled Kickboxer close enough to attempt the German
plex, Kickboxer rolled forward and hit a picturesque Tartarkin roll into
a kneebar, the same combination of moves used by Bill Goldberg and Ken
Shamrock in pro-graps matches. All the Russian Sambo fans in the house
go wild as Kickboxer delicately inspects his nose and probably gives
thanks that no promoter in America would ask a wrestler to get nose color.
(2)Hart was sporting a poof-cum-mullet
and Beniot had the blond hair permishly coming out the back of the mask.
(3)Beniot was real close to the turnbuckle
and Hart had to rotate really quickly to land on him
(4)Except those Gama Singh classics in Stampede
of course.
(5) TM Bret Hart
(6) I think I got them all but they were
flying by so quickly I might have missed one or two or 30.
(7) As a general note when watching Wrestlemania
X, watch opening match. Fast forward to Ladder Match.
(8) For someone as crappy as Makham Singh
aka Norman the Lunatic aka Bastion Booger was, he must be mentioned to
be a member of TWO great heel stables: Karachi Vice and the Cartel.
(9) Joined in Progress
(10) New Japan treats their juniors as bad
as WWF- TV Time wise
(11) Owen sold it like an Evenflow, i.e.
he landed mostly on his face instead of flipping over, it ended up
being a nasty head and neck bump.
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