Pete Stein considers himself to be an Internet old-timer, having been online in one form or another since 1991. He has been a pro-wrestling fan for almost 15 years, but his life was irrevocably changed one Saturday night when he was flipping channels, happened to find Lucha Libre on Galavision and got his first look at Brazo De Plata. Ever since, he's been hooked. Mr. Stein lives in New York City, where he spends much of his time looking for a media job and a way to get his mother to buy him the computer she owes him for graduating from college.

His many obsessions include but are nowhere near limited to: MST3K, Bradley Basketball, Howard Stern, Spike Jones, the Wild Cards novels and finding that "special someone," even if he *is* Dark Cheetah's Mr. Wonderful. =)

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