The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, June 28th, 1999

Hiya! I've been on pre-paternity leave from the OllieWorld of WHIP ASS WORKRATE REVIEWS so I could effectively fret and worry every waking hour until the little punkin hops out- so if you can't bear with me then YOU CAN GO STRAIGHT TO HELL! Oh... sorry! I'm a little tense.

What Worked
Well Holy FUCK! Someone has decided to a.) bring back STEVEN MOTHERFUCKING REGAL and b.) have him tag with Fit Motherfucking Finlay. Well THIS fucking rules and works and kicks ass 43 ways to Sunday. Then someone at WCW figured out that the only one who could do justice to their debut match and handle this fucking mountain of stiffness would be Chris Benoit- since they can't bring in Diasuke Ikeda and Vader has legit heat in the back or some crap like that. This match was fucking great as Regal takes Saturn dangerous moves like a MAN and takes them in a way to make them look actually dangerous- especially the Exploider where he fucks with the clearance over the top as he's going over and shows you how close this move is to jamming your neck in an impossible direction. Finlay rules the fucking world by taking a straight right in the fucking face by Benoit LIKE A KING. Saturn strikes like a pussy in this- in one of the most inexplicable lapses into looseness in the history of professional wrestling. I mean, it's fucking Regal and fucking Fit Finlay- they're gonna beat the shit out of YOU, you might as well work stiff, you freak. Is he crazy, scared or clueless? And I guess they wanted to limit Benoit vs Regal since they ALWAYS tend to tell WCW and Sports Entertainment In General to eat their collective British Commonwealth-governed ass and watch as they juice each other hardway. Benoit- for whatever reason- opts for a Locomotion Suplex that Regal- being the fucking King of Wrestling- makes the Second Suplex look amazingly nastier than the Intial Suplex of the Locomotion. I (and I'm sure you the gentle reader were also) was justifiably disappointed that they didn't bust each other open with unprotected Yumiko-Hotta-Vs-Shinobu-Kandori-esque headbutts, but that's a quibble. Lets get some wins for Finlay and Regal, gettem the belt and let's get a big hellish feud going with Buff/Benoit/Malenko/Saturn and Regal/Taylor/Finlay/Wright. Somehow, WCW has kept its tag team situation solvent and quite watchable for quite a while now which gets lost in the overdog kicking of the down WCW- myself included.

Malenko and Buff against DDP, Bigelow and Kanyon was pretty fricking good. I don't dig the overly-ECWish three-on-two cheap heat stipulation with the Triad- though it was explained and does actually make the faces look stronger- in that three guys over two clean as a sheet, which is a cool built-in non-screwjob. So maybe I did like it... Anyway, Who the hell was doubting Buff? He was a monster in this, though Kanyon and DDP were quite a good Arn and Tully Lite in this- hitting cool double team moves and being sufficiently convincing as ass-kickers. DDP has had a good year in the ring this year comparatively. This was good NWA 1987 booking, in that it creates heat, makes your heels look strong and creates sympathy for the faces- which is all aspects of wrestling that WCW has been lacking for quite a while.

The eightman had enough of a cool sequence by Windham and Adams that this is right up here. Happy to be working and tickled to be in the middle of a goofy weirdo redneck shoot angle, Kendall Windham and Duncum are feeling it as they hit the double bulldog. As a man who watched 20 years of BlackJack Mulligan before he was shipped off to the hoosegow, I have trouble seeing these cowboys- in comparison- look like anything less than virtually Dick Murdockian in Cowboy workrate and psychology. Yes, Gentle Reader, I have an amazingly higher tolerance level for mediocre cowboy wrestlers than you non-Midsouth and Mid-Atlantic raised fans. (The hierarchy of Old School Cowboy Workers- Greatness:DICK Motherfucking MURDOCK, Bob Orton Jr.; Goodness: Cowboy Frankie Layne, Cowboy Bob Ellis; Ungoodness: BlackJack Mulligan, Sam Houston.)

Hak bumped, Bigelow busted him up and missed a big flying headbutt. Kinda lethargic and the ending sucked, but it's right up here. Hak should get a push just because he seems to be connecting with the crowds more than any of folks his dad's age are at this juncture.

What Didn't Work
The Eddy Squash was counterproductive in a couple of ways. It was a vehicle for the "LODI and Lenny Share A Hot, Sticky, Manly Secret" angle- which I'm all for if it's done tastefully and not just for homophobic cheap heat- when Eddy should instead be advancing the awesomeness-laden "LWO will fucking pay with their ASS" angle which will produce the best matches in the US ever if played out correctly. I have greater confidence that the "LODI hearts Lenny" angle will end up tasteful, classy and uplifting.

Syd Vicious and Arn Anderson shake hands. WCW opts against a truly king-sized shoot angle where there would be a possibility where Arn Anderson will stab Sid Eudy right in the neck with a pair of scissors- but instead they put LEGIT HEAT IN THE BACK! on hold so they can be tazered and pummeled in one of the worst and least-watched main events in the history of our sport.

Hey, it's a dance contest. Juventud, Rey and Kidman are not to be found, Eddy wrestles TOO MUCH-the Revenge Of Jared-Syn!, Blitzkreig is MIA, etc, etc. The dance contest becomes a crappy wrestling match. NEXT WEEK: DI vs the CAT in an arm-wrestling contest for the big trophy, the guitar, the Indian Headdress That My Father Gave Me and the cake the Girl Scouts baked! Bulldog Brower is special referee!

Nash is just pathetic. "I'm gonna book my lousy un-over ass over twelve guys and then I'M TAKE ALL THE LADIES!" He's YOUNG! and SEXY! Not lousy and washed-up! REALLY! This was the worst. He's lucky everybody was watching the Antique Roadshow and RAW en lieu. Squeeze my pencil till the juice runs down my leg...

Hey, Van Hammer is a Cowboy fan from Maryland. Being a Cowboy fan from my first five years in Witchita Falls and then an extended time being stationed in Jacksonville, Arkansas (Arkansas being a giant suburb of Texas) until I was twelve years old- I find another reason to hate Hammer. As if...

The video for the "RAP IS CRAP" tour 1999 lacked what I look for a good Country and Western video- mullets, line-dancing, COPS extras... oh wait, I had a flashback to my single days living in a neighborhood in the crappier section of South Norfolk, VA- where I was the only one on my block with a.) a job, and b.) no washer and dryer on the front porch. If they take the horrendous Master P out of this angle and get the fucking belt off Rey and on Eddy, I'm all over it.

Scott Putski comments on how good Ollie's vision is and he works equator-sized circles around you, Stinky Heap Of Dogshit Sid Vicious. Go fuck yourself and get the fuck off my godforsaken TV, you worthless load of shit. Polish Power Jr deserved better. Fuck you, Sid. You suck.



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