We swear a lot!
See, the WWF puts actual thought and effort into its potshots
against the competition and that's why they work. Gillberg was
my favourite thing about that quarter hour. Luna looked good
squashing him too. Dwyane Gill has transcended professional
Edge vs. HHH wins by virtue of the clean as a dry cleaned sheet
finish. Weird that Helmsley is already looking old against a
young gun.
The Corporate Royal Rumble was the best thing on WWF TV all year.
It was strong on the style of ECW over-booking that works, where
every twist makes sense and the match is designed to be chock full
o' action and each guy having heat really kept it buzzing. McMahon
is so fucking jacked it's amazing that he's kept himself out of
the ring this long. The whole double swerve finish had me thinking
of Patterson laying it out backstage like in the movie. I dug this
so much I watched it twice and I never do that.
I think Mankind dragged something out of Kane which would normally
be cause for saying it worked but it really pissed me off how weak
Mankind was booked to look so fuck you Vince McMahon Junior!
Obligatory FUCK YOU to TSN for censoring Raw. Again. They hate
wrestling fans. Just try getting anything but a form letter out
of them. The Undertaker crap wouldn't have worked anyway so who
gives a fuck. This was so Royal Rumble nineteenninetysomething.
I didn't like the whole Mark Henry, D-Lo and the ladies angle
because the best looking woman in the ring is a man.
XPac fought real hard against Al Snow but the finish was not
what you'd call good. So, Snow is knocked out for three but
then pops up like an undertaker to chase Goldust. Nothing
ever works when I think about it.
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