Faarooq and Rocky Maivia vs. Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman was
a pretty good match for what it was. Shammy and Blackman are a
pretty decent team by todays low standards, and Ron Simmons ain't as
bad as he has been. I like Faarooq being kicked out of the Nation
instead of Rocky, it has more potential since Simmons can get a
singles push which I think he deserves another shot at, and the Rock
is more dimensional with a gang behind him. And the guys who make up
the gang wouldn't have nearly as much heat as singles.
Well, for once the WWF DID NOT drop the ball! I'm talking about the
kick my ass Sean Waltman interview which worked wonders for me. Man,
Waltman was on and it was so much fun listening to him run down that
raggedy ho ass of Hulk Hogan's. You know, this was the perfect time
for a new DX member (although it was too soon to bring Bad Ass and Road
Dog into the fold). I think the Kid's out of action for another couple
of months so he's gonna have to survive on his mic work alone, which
on Monday night was great but momentum was also way on his side. This
is cool though.
Kaientai DX stompin' ass on TAKA was pretty cool. So what if they
got no heat, these guys fucking rule and that is all the people
need to know. Let me introduce you to Handsome Dick Togo (phat ass
senton off the top rope), Men's TEIOH (the Miracle Ecstasy chokeslam)
and Shoichi fucking Funaki! Over the next few weeks THEY WILL BECOME
The NWA angle this week was pretty ok, good enough to get a passing
grade but ultimately flawed. The NWA tag team TITLE CHANGE! was a
backdrop to Jim Cornette "shooting" (Remember Jim, when you shoot
you have to tell a purer version of the truth and the one about Severn
being unbeaten in pro 'rasslin just ain't gonna fly, 'cos he was
a job boy in UWFi), and if you want to get something over you have
to focus on it, and failing to focus on a title change just kills
any momentum this angle gets. Dan Severn looked like my dad climbing
into the ring and barely suplexing the Head Bangers. And that was
the lamest submission hold I've seen since Kurgan's claw the previous
hour. Do not get me wrong, I'm a big Dan Severn shoot fan, but his
debut was less than stellar.
Terry Funk and Cactus Jack vs. The New Age Outlaws wasn't great but
it was pretty good given time constraints. I really thought they were
gonna rip off ECW and give Funk a chairshot while he was "crucified"
against the cage. There were some wicked shots on Cactus Jack, and
the whole gang attack at the end was very SMW, and way better than
when WCW tries to pull it off (of course if this were to end every
WWF show every week forever and ever it would suck too). It's a damn
shame that Funk couldn't hold the gold any longer, I honestly think
it's great that he's getting to hold major world titles before his
retirement (which is becoming Inoki like in it's coming).
Kurgan vs. Chainz was so unnecessary. I've been pretty unimpressed
with Brian Lee but I felt his pain having to goofy walk back through
the curtains with those crazy cultists.
Oh great, the WWF is following WCW's lead by having their light
heavyweights pinch hit as jobbers to the not nearly so talented
mid-carders. I'm not saying Aguila deserves to beat Jarrett, but
something more competetive would have been appreciated.
Continuing tonight's trend of jobbing out the juniors, Marc Mero
squashed a CURRENT WWF CHAMPION in under two minutes. Sure he's the
little champ but that should be enough buy him a more screwy finish
against a mid-carder. And Mero's the kind of heavyweight who could
have a good match with TAKA. Have the storyline be Mero reaching
into his arsenal of highspots to counter TAKA's high-flying attack.
That would have been a whole lot better than this mess.
Hey, if Kane and Undertaker have a fire death match like Pogo and
Matsunage, I will be impressed. Not that it could be as perversely
entertaining. Well, it was a good idea to darken the arena and have
Kane keep the crowd alive while they built the cage but Paul Bearer
is just the worst.
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