tOA's new message boards are open...
Posted by Frank Jewett, on ETC Message Board
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"Look on the bright side Robert, if this is an inter-board angle, you and I can fight for control of the tOA Black and White. Fruit Booty :)"
Iron Chad

"Ah, but it shall all be for nothing. Notice how Cheetah never gets involved in any of these wars and fueds--she waits, biding her time while the others strive to detrsoy themselves and run about. When everyone is weakened, she'll strike and seize power, ushering in a new age of darkness for tOA--she might even take the other background color options away!"
Robert Lamb

"Cheetah already has the ultimate power. To paraphrase Dune author Frank Herbert, 'She who controls the QM controls tOA.'"
Frank Jewett

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Welcome to the Other Arena chatroom. This service is a portal to a basic IRC chat, and can be accessed through any chat software or interface. Using IRC, you can connect to tOA's chatroom at irc://chat.hosting4u.net:7000/. Because this web interface requires Java, you may not be able to use this portal into the chatroom.

Please be aware that this chatroom is unmonitored and a service of IRC. tOA bears no responsibility for content or subject matter discussed within. For additional information on IRC chat, click here.

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