Welcome to tOA
Since May of 1997 tOA has provided wrestling content for all types of wrestling fans. tOA was originally designed to be an online encyclopedia of wrestling information, but the evolution of message boards and online games pushed tOA in a direction unsuspected by it's founders. Currently tOA has over 5,000 pieces of art, over 10,000 data points, and has had in excess of a hundred thousand messages posted on its boards.

tOA's first design was radically different from the one you see today. The first tOA design was darker, trendier, and used "gen-x" style fonts. With the expansion of information, readability became an issue, and in January of 1998, tOA drastically changed design and format.

tOA's next design, dubbed "sketch", made text easier to read and allowed the site to quickly expand into new areas. The tOA booking center and fWo eFed began during this time, and soon grew to be areas of their own. tOA purchased the domain name "kayfabe.com" for use with these other areas, and continued to grow.
As you look through other areas of the site, we would like to thank you for stopping at tOA and visiting our area. We hope that you find whatever it is that you are looking for, and encourage suggestions at any time.

Total messages posted on tOA 3.1 to date:
Total photos on tOA to date:
Total HTML pages on tOA:
Total message boards on tOA:
Total random corner images on tOA:
Total random side images on tOA: